
Tendinopathy is the most frequent overuse injury in tennis players - tennis elbow, anyone? A type of overuse injury in the tendons, tendinopathy can cause pain, limit range of motion, and even lead to tendonitis (swelling or inflammation of the tendons) - all of which can affect that overhand serve! Areas commonly affected by tendinopathy are the shoulder, elbow, hamstring, and knee.

Athletes aren’t the only people who can suffer from tendinopathy! Any repetitive motion can set you up for a tendon injury - gardening, scrubbing, painting, shoveling, and even typing can all be causes of tendinopathy.

It might seem overwhelming, but in most cases tendinopathy can be easily remedied. If your job requires lots of repetitive motions, make sure to take quick stretch breaks to break up the movements. Another great option is the classic ice, heat, stretching, and massage.

As the weather continues to be beautiful, always remember to take ample time to warm up the body to prevent injuries!

At Well Co, we can support your activities on and off the court with Acupuncture, Active Release and chiropractic. Throw in a little rehab exercises and KT taping for support and you are ready to win! Game, set, match!


No Flex Zone


Not Just Achilles’ Weakness…