Sneaky Scalenes - A Not-So-Hidden Cause of Neck Pain!
Neck pain and headaches? Look towards the scalenes!
Having problems with headaches that just won’t quit? It might be your sneaky scalenes causing all the problems!
The scalene muscles are the most common muscles related to neck pain. When the scalene muscles are tight or dysfunctional, they send trigger points to the head, jaw, cheek, and behind or above the eye (Think one-sided headaches that appear like migraines!). They can cause tension headaches and can pull the first rib up and out of place.
These muscles are usually responsible for pain when you feel “stressed” and “tense"; lately, I hear the complaint that "my shoulders are at my ears!" nearly every week! Many people use their scalene and other cervical muscles to BREATHE, when breathing should really only be done by the chest muscles and diaphragm. Yikes!
So how do we fix it? Since there are so many contributing factors to tight scalenes, there can be multiple steps! Remember, healing isn't linear.
“There can be multiple steps [to fixing a scalene issue]. Remember, healing isn’t linear.”
Step one: Check the height of your pillows - too high or too low can affect the scalenes as a side and back sleeper. Think of it as holding a stretch in the wrong position all night long!
Step two: do light, gentle stretching of the neck. Utilizing your full range of side-to-side motion, hold the head to the right then the left; be mindful of your movements and make them slow and controlled. In addition, remember to stretch and mobilize your pecs - it might not seem like it, but everything is connected!
Step three: Find a part of your day where you can do whatever your form of meditation is - walking, grounding, sitting in silence. Relaxation and lowering your stress levels can be hugely beneficial to relieving this problem! (Take your own advice, Sandy, hahaha)
Having issues getting your headaches and neck pain under control? Schedule an appointment today to take the first step towards healing!